Exhibitions2016The Legacy of Andy Warhol

The Legacy of Andy Warhol

14 Apr 16


The Legacy of Andy Warhol was Artipelag’s major exhibition over the 2016spring and summer period. Unlike traditional Warhol exhibitions, The Legacy of Andy Warhol was instead an attempt to broaden understandings of his influence and legacy. Warhol’s footprint is not limited to his boundary-pushing art: he has also influenced modern lifestyles and commercial areas.

In the exhibition, the frame of reference was Warhol’s autobiography, Andy Warhol From A to B and Back Again. Warhol found inspiration in daily papers and magazines, which he transformed into commercial products such as advertisements, illustrations and record sleeves. This is where Warhol’s fascination for glamour and commerce began, eventually becoming a central aspect of his entire oeuvre. The exhibition featured some 40 of these drawings from the 1950s. Warhol’s influence on the art scene was also expressed in unabashed “appropriations” of his art, where artists such as Mike Bidlo, Richard Pettibone, Vik Muniz and Gavin Turk borrowed directly from Warhol’s imagery. These art forms were also represented in the exhibition.

Curators: Bo Nilsson, Frida Andersson, Jessica Höglund.