News2011Frieze Art Fair 2011

Frieze Art Fair 2011
Frieze Art Fair & Sculpture Park
13th October - 16th October 2011
Regents Park, London
Represented by Galerie Krinzinger (booth D14) and Aurel Scheibler (booth H10), Gavin Turk once again returns to Frieze Art Fair, where he will be presenting a number of works, including “Ajar”, a surreal door leading both everywhere and nowhere in the sculpture park.
Disembodied from any room, structure or building, this painted bronze door, which appears from its peeling varnish, to have been left to the elements from some years, opens or closes (depending on which way you look at it) onto infinite possibilities and nothingness, alike. A playful homage to William Blake’s famous doors of perception, visitors are invited to walk through Turk’s door into the enchanting realms of the imagination and beyond.
Ajar, 2011 Series of 5 with 2 APs Painted bronze sculpture Dimensions: 216 x 91 x 68 cms